Welcome to The Health and Wellness Center

How We Are Different

Our mission is to help families improve the quality of their life. We know that health is so much more than just not being in pain. Our natural, holistic care includes: gentle family chiropractic care, ZONE technique, physical rehabilitation, Erchonia EVRL non-invasive laser, KST care, FAKTR (myofascial care), and nutritional counseling. 

Using the ZONE technique, we are able to analyze and balance any of the 6 Zones of your body that are not balanced.  Every cell in your body resides in one of the 6 Zones and when all 6 Zones are balanced, a balanced body will do what it needs to do.

Zone Technique

The Zone Technique dovetails beautifully with chiropractic care. In an ideal world, traditional chiropractic theory assumes that the brain is sending out proper signals and when treatment applied is to locate and relieve sublaxations (the essence that is the cause of many health problems), these signals are opened up to the cells of the body and everything works as it should.

But what if these signals the brain is sending out aren’t healthy or working as they should?

In that case all that has been done is that is opened up these faulty brain signals to the cells of the body. Nothing is fixed and the problem may actually be accentuated.

What the Zone Technique does is to quickly identify which brain signals are not working properly and balances them with a gentle spinal cord manipulation.

The result? Fast and effective pain relief and a controlled road to recovery and back to the life you want to lead.

Here’s how the Zone Technique works on a core level:

According to Dr. Thurman Fleet, the creator of Zone Therapy, the human brain is composed of many centers. 

These centers form in the embryonic stage of life and develop from the dorso-medial ectoderm of the embryo. There is a center which controls the glands of the body, a center which is associated with the organs of elimination, a center which regulates the central nervous system, and which is differentiated as an ectodermal neural plate in the dorso-medial region of the ectoderm. The digestive organs are regulated by a brain center. In the motor cortex of the brain we find a center which controls all of the muscles of the body, and in the caudate nuclei (both), we find the center which regulates the flow of fluids (circulation) through the body. 


Dr. Fleet compared the human body to an ELECTRICAL MACHINE, these 6 brain centers represent the POSITIVE POLE of the body, and specific related points in the spinal cord represent the NEGATIVE POLE of the body. When there is a disturbance in any of the bodily areas, one or more of these centers are “shorted out." 

There has been a disruption of normal function of the entire center due to the effect of emotional, physical, or chemical stress. 

At Dr. DeMio’s office, he examines the patient to determine which of the brain centers are not in harmony with the systems they control. This is done by feeling specific points on the patient’s head. These points are related to the six brain centers by nerve connections. When a brain center is not sending the proper signals to its system, all bodily material associated with that system suffers. In order to correct this, the zone doctor stimulates specific points in the spinal cord. 

There are six sets of four points in the spinal cord (negative pole) that are related to the six brain centers (positive pole). Stimulation of the proper points by Dr. DeMio sends healing energy up the spinal cord to the brain centers that need balancing. The balanced brain centers then are able to send out the proper signals to the body’s systems and the body is better able to heal itself.

Zone Technique is a spinal cord stimulation technique. This can be accomplished in many ways through light force instrumentation or by way of traditional diversified chiropractic adjustments.

Gentle and Specific Corrections

The precision and accuracy of our diagnostic equipment allows for a gentle and comfortable spinal correction. We do provide safe, gentle and effective traditional chiropractic adjustments for our practice members daily; but with the ZONE technique and KST, there is no twisting, or “popping”.

Long Term Results

The Zone technique and KST are very gentle and yet very powerful. Patients usually notice changes from the first visit. Your body will likely hold its corrections for a much longer time with the Zone technique and KST, so your adjustments hold longer, requiring less care.

Proactive Approach

Our highly sensitive equipment can detect a problem before it affects your body, so you don’t miss a step.

In Different Postures

A major advantage of KST is that it permits you to be analyzed and adjusted in different postures: standing, sitting, lying down and/or in the position of injury or dysfunction/subluxation. This is very important because sometimes a subluxation can only be observed when you are in a certain posture. For example, if a person was in a car accident, their subluxations may only be revealed and completely corrected while they are seated. Some patients may present in acute, intense pain or after a surgical procedure and cannot lay down. No worries, we can adjust you sitting, standing or whatever way is best for you on that day!


Every adjustment and care plan is tailored to the individual patient’s needs. Our wholistic and vitalistic approach allows you to receive the most specific correction each adjustment based upon your body’s biofeedback for each visit.

Verified and Objective Corrections

Corrections are verified with special equipment including surface emg and infrared thermography to ensure that a correction has been achieved. Computerized neurological testing is performed on all patients initially to establish a functional baseline and throughout care to objectively monitor progress.

“To see is to know and to not know is to guess, and we never guess with your health.”


Located in the heart of beautiful Wayne, NJ.

Our Office Specializes In KST and ZONE Care

The Koren Specific technique is a highly advanced technique that is extremely precise and gentle, unlike any other kind of care. The Koren Specific Technique is exclusively practiced by less than 1% of all chiropractors in the United States.

“The quality of your life depends on the health and adaptability of your nervous system.”
-Dr. Bill DeMio, Family Chiropractor

Our Mission Statement

Our mission is to serve families in the community through delivering the highest quality natural, chiropractic care and wellness services.

  • We are committed to serving the public through health awareness, education and technical excellence in the science, philosophy and healing art of chiropractic.

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Health Articles

Chiropractic Helps Patient with Chronic Lower Back Pain and Scoliosis
Chiropractic Helps Patient with Chronic Lower Back Pain and Scoliosis
On September 1, 2024, the research site Cureus published the results of a case study documenting the improvement through chiropractic of a patient with scoliosis who was suffering with chronic lower back pain. MedLine Plus describes chronic lower back pain by stating, "Low back pain refers to pain that . . .
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Upper Back Pain and Sciatica Helped with Chiropractic Care
Upper Back Pain and Sciatica Helped with Chiropractic Care
The Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research published the results of a case study on January 16, 2024, documenting the improvement, under chiropractic care, of a patient with scoliosis who was suffering with upper back pain and sciatica. . . .
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Epileptic Seizures and Nystagmus Helped by Chiropractic
Epileptic Seizures and Nystagmus Helped by Chiropractic
The Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health published the results of a case study September 16, 2024, documenting the improvement of epileptic seizures and nystagmus in a child undergoing chiropractic care. According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, "Nystagmus is a condition where the eyes . . .
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Pediatric Encopresis Resolved Following Chiropractic Care
Pediatric Encopresis Resolved Following Chiropractic Care
The Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health published the results of a case study on April 9, 2024, documenting the resolution of a patient with pediatric encopresis after receiving chiropractic care. The National Center for Biotechnology Information describes this condition as "Encopresis or fecal . . .
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11:00am - 4:00pm
9:00am - 7:00pm
12:00pm - 7:00pm
9:00am - 4:00pm
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